That was a rollercoaster. There is a lot to think about here.

The first thing that came to mind was the creation of United Artists in 1919. A group of creatives decided that they didn't want to rely on the studios to dictate the projects being made.

This is the only way forward in my mind. A group of creatives banding together to create something new. I think the streamer culture has the potential. As it stands, it is predominantly made up of clicks, views, subscriptions based around sponsors, unboxings, giveaways, reviews of products. There is a vacuum of originality in the world.

How do I speak for myself on a platform that demands conformity? No foul language. No violence. No sexuality. Or you don't get paid. I don't know if the system can change from within. There needs to be something new.

This decentralized system sounds like a good start. But it needs the backing of established artists to gain traction.

"Film will only become art when it's materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper."

We are getting there, but without a free platform to showcase original work, artists will always be beholden to views, subscriptions, and ads.

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Yeah, that's a fair point. I'm not sure if we'll ever escape views given that we naturally chase the affirmation of others. Subscriptions, maybe, but you're talking about a fundamental restructuring of the entire economy. Otherwise that will be sought after whether you're big or small because everyone wants to get paid for their work. But I do think we can break out of this platform conformity issue, which is a big deal as it stifles innovation and creativity. And thankfully a lot of people are working on this issue. So we'll see in time!

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I guess I didn't mean no views, no subscriptions, more that creative wouldn't be beholden to them. As it stands many content creates cater to what will get the most views. I get a sense that topics with less wide spread interest are passed over. It seems like, especially in the streamer world, that views and conflict are prioritized.

I'm planning to start producing shorts and clips for YouTube. I can't deny that I've had to think about what the titles are, what the image is, and part of me shifts toward what will "sell." At the same time, I think about frequency of posting, sometimes at the expense of quality. I hope I can get past that and be true to myself, but financial stability is always at the back of my mind.

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Ah gotcha. That makes more sense. Appreciate the clarity and yeah, I agree. It's possible that social media's net is cast way too wide. I personally notice my experiences are more unique the smaller the group is. But then again, the smaller the group, the less ability you have to make a living off of your work. I think we'll figure out a happy balance though.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Matt Firman

Great article!

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Thank you!

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